a. Legal Mention

Nivault, Costa & Colson SELARL

3 avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 75008 Paris

Phone: +33 1 42 56 03 25

Email: gv-paris@gv-paris.com

RCS Paris n° xxxxxx


Site web : http://gv-paris.com


The website GV-Paris, accessible from URL http://gv-paris.com/legal-mentions/, is published by the société d'exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée (SELARL) Nivault, Costa & Colson practising in Paris. The editor of the publication is Maria Isabel Garcia dos Santos-Nivault. The company providing the hosting services is https://www.locaweb.com.br/.

b. Personal Data Protection

In accordance with Article 32 of Law n°78-17 on data processing, files and privacy (Law " Informatique et Libertés ") of january 6th, 1978, GV-Paris informs all users of its website that all information provided by the users via forms available on the website or by e-mail are liable to be used by authorized person at GV-Paris for administrative purposes.

Data collected will be used for the purpose of managing and selecting the applications sent through the vacancies space of GV-Paris' website and communicating with the candidates.

All Data Subjects are entitled to access, interrogate, modify, rectify and delete their personal data (art. 34 of Law n°78-17 " Informatique et libertés " of january 6, 1978). They also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data for legitimate reasons and/or for commercial prospecting purposes. In order to exercice these rights, data subjects shall address a letter to GV-Paris at 3 avenue Franklin Delano Rossevelt, 75008, Paris or an electronic courier to gv-paris@gv-paris.com